Laboratory of Micro- and Nanoresearch

Head of the Laboratory, Dr. Vladimir V. IVANOV

Tel. +7-(423)-231-75-83

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The laboratory is a unit with a broad scientific profile of physical-chemical and mineralogical-geochemical studies, mineragenic and information-analytical research including sample preparation, microscopy, fire assay, and instrumental analysis.

The sample preparation division provides services using the DFC Model 810 Electric Assay Furnace, different modifications of programmable muffle furnaces and ovens (dewatering boxes), microwave oven CEM MARS5, and a multy-purpose crushing and measurement complex: Rocklabs Boyd; Fritsch Pulverisette - 0; 1; 5; 13; 19; 23 and 25; Fritsch Laborett - 17; 24 and 2; Fritsch Analysette 3; CVC100-2M (Russia), and others.

Element analysis of soils, mountain rocks, ores and artificial materials (metals, composites and other) is carried out using portable X-ray fluorescent and atomic-absorption spectrophotometers with flame and electrothermal atomization Solaar M-6 and Shimadzu AA-6800.

Improvements in sample preparation methodologies allows to determine Au, Pt and Pd with detection limits from 0.001 ppm.

Scanning electron microscopy is represented by SEM-microscopes with spectrometers for a local elemental analysis, including the double beam scanning electron microscope of a new generation Tescan LYRA 3 XMH with electron and ion columns and EDS-spectrometer.

Light microscopy for transparent and reflective light is performed by means of polarising microscopes AxioImager D1; AxioPlan 2; AxioStar; Eclipse LV100 Pol, and stereomicroscopes for transparent and irradiating light suitable for the polarized-light examination regime and in a fluorescence mode: Stemi; SteREO Discovery.V12; SteREOLumar V12; EZ4D; MS5; SMZ 800, and others.